
An affordable and open-source FPGA platform for the electronic control of microscope.

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Installing and building MicroFPGA

Installing MicroFPGA

  1. Download and install AlchitryLabs.

  2. Download the MicroFPGA configuration corresponding to your FPGA board (Au, Au+ or Cu).

  3. Start AlchitryLoader, select the .bin file correponding to your FPGA, select the correct board type and click on “Program”.


  4. MicroFPGA is ready to be used!

Building MicroFPGA configuration

In order to build MicroFPGA, the source code and FPGA builders must be installed.

  1. Download and install Git.

  2. Using a console, clone the MicroFPGA repository in the folder of your choice:

    $ cd /path/to/folder/
    $ git clone https://github.com/mufpga/MicroFPGA.git
  3. Follow the instructions in the AlchtitryLabs page, Builders section, to install either Vivado (Au/Au+) or IceCube2 (Cu).

  4. Start AlchitryLabs and in the “Settings” menu, set the location of the compiling tools (Vivado or IceCube2).

  5. In “Project”, open the MicroFPGA project (*.alp file corresponding to the Au, Au+ or Cu configuration) that was cloned in step 2.

  6. Click on the hammer icon to build the project. It can take a few minutes.

  7. Once the project has finished, upload it to your board with the plain arrow (Flash memory).

  8. The source code must be built after each modification.