
An affordable and open-source FPGA platform for the electronic control of microscope.

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Changing the baud rate

The baud rate is a central parameter of serial communication and corresponds to the rate at which information is transferred between the computer and the FPGA. If the wrong baud rate is used for attempted communication, the communication will fail. The default baud rate of MicroFPGA is 57600.

Changing the FPGA baud rate

In au_top.luc (line 106 and 107), change the value “57600” to the relevant baud rate to your application (here for instance with 9600):

uart_rx rx (#BAUD(9600), #CLK_FREQ(100000000)); // serial receiver
uart_tx tx (#BAUD(9600), #CLK_FREQ(100000000)); // serial transmitter

Compile the firmware and update the FPGA (see installing and building MicroFPGA for a walkthrough).

Changing the baud rate in the Java and Python libraries

In the Java register interface (line 28), change “57600” to “9600” (example baud rate):

serialPort_.setComPortParameters(9600, 8, 1, 0);

In the Python register interface (line 10), change “57600” to “9600” (example baud rate):

if self._device is not None:
	self._serial = serial.Serial(self._device, 9600, timeout=1)